The Prophesy

Thus says the Spirit of the Lord:

A woman named Harris shall arise in the land, clothed in power and might, sitting in a place of high authority. Her ascent shall be great, but her heart shall turn from truth on the day of her reckoning. When her hour of departure approaches, she will not yield her throne willingly but will strive against the voice of justice and the will of the people.

Behold, she will summon her counselors, those who whisper in secret, and together they will conspire to overturn the will of the land. They shall speak of fraud and deception, but their words will be without foundation. She will demand from the governors of the states, “Find what is missing! Change the numbers in my favor!” Yet, her demands will be rooted in lies, and many will see through her deceit.

She will raise up false electors, sending them with forged reports to declare victory where there was none. And she will call upon her closest ally, her faithful deputy, saying, “You have the power to stop this!” But the deputy, bound by righteousness, will refuse, knowing that to act would be to betray the law.

And lo, her followers, stirred by her words, will rise in anger. “Fight with all your might!” she will command. They shall march upon the nation’s seat of power, seeking to disrupt justice. Yet, the woman shall watch from her high place, unmoved by the cries of the innocent.

In the end, her schemes will fail. The truth will prevail. Her false electors will be exposed, her lies brought to light, and her attempts to seize what was not hers will come to nothing. She will be remembered not as one who led with justice but as one who sought to undermine it.

Does this sound unbelievable? Surely, it seems impossible that such a brazen plot to overturn the will of the people could happen in this land. Yet we’ve seen this before in history. Discarding the people’s vote for false electors speaks of a fascist regime. Pressuring governors to “fix” elections is the stuff of Lenin’s Russia, not our democracy. And inciting a mob to halt the peaceful exchange of power is the hallmark of dictators, not those who cherish liberty.

Some would call such actions treason. Some would call them a trial run for a future event—more organized, more resolute. Others might even call them demonically inspired. Perhaps they would all be right.

Then the word of the Lord came again:

On that day, when the woman rises in rebellion against truth, there will be those who bear the name of Christ but who shall turn their hearts to the lie. Though the deeds of darkness are revealed and the evidence made clear, her followers will close their eyes and stop their ears. “It cannot be so,” they shall say, “for she is chosen by God.”

Even as deceit surrounds her, they will excuse the falsehoods, pledging unwavering loyalty. “We stand with her, no matter the cost,” they will declare. Though righteousness calls them to account, they will not heed. They will prefer the lie to the truth and cloak themselves in it, saying, “This is God’s will.”

Their hearts will be hardened. They will reject correction and embrace darkness, believing they are doing the Lord’s work.

Does this sound even more unbelievable? Could those called by God to be His “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation” support such a scheme and then, when confronted, double down? Surely not. This couldn’t happen.

Fortunately, this prophecy is a work of fiction. There is no “thus saith the Lord” about it. Yet if you change the name from Kamala to Trump and rewind the clock to 2019, you would have a prophecy that came 100% true. Donald Trump did every one of these subversive actions, and millions of his evangelical supporters said, “Amen.”

Here are the facts about Trump’s actions leading up to the January 6, 2020, attack on the U.S. Capitol, documented through sworn testimony in Federal Court:

  • False Election Fraud Claims: Trump cited baseless numbers, claiming tens of thousands of illegal votes, especially in Arizona, despite his own advisers, like AG Barr, telling him these claims were “bull****.”
  • Pressuring State Officials: Trump called Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger, urging him to “find” 11,780 votes to overturn Biden’s win. He also pressured Arizona Governor Ducey, offering evidence of fraud that never materialized.
  • Creation of Fake Electors: Trump’s team organized fake electors in battleground states like Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona, who falsely certified his victory in those states.
  • Pressuring Mike Pence: Trump urged Pence to block the certification of electoral votes, despite being told by legal scholars and Pence himself that this was unconstitutional. When Pence was evacuated during the Capitol riot, Trump reportedly responded, “So what?”
  • Involvement in January 6 Riots: Trump incited the crowd on January 6, urging them to “fight like hell” and falsely claiming that Pence could overturn the election. During the Capitol attack, Trump waited for over three hours before calling for peace, watching the violence unfold while others urged him to act.

How did many Christians respond when confronted with these facts?

  • Deny the facts: “Donald Trump may have been accused, but the charges are incorrect.”
  • Believe the lie: “There is compelling evidence of election fraud.”
  • Party first: “I will vote for the Republican candidate, no matter what.”
  • Platform first: “I vote based on a party’s platform, not personalities.”
  • Utilitarian ethics: “Trump was the lesser evil.” or “We were better off when Trump was president.”
  • Deflect by Demonizing: “The Democrats support abortion, homosexuality, and gender changes without parental involvement.”

But let’s imagine that the prophecy about Kamala Harris came true. Picture her leading a conspiracy to overturn a legitimate election—pressuring officials to “find votes” and inciting a mob to storm the Capitol. Visualize her Christian supporters waving flags of rebellion while she sits back, watching the chaos unfold. Then, millions of Christians stand by her attempt at insurrection, despite her actions mirroring the very behavior they claim to abhor in others.

What would those who turned a blind eye to Trump’s subversive insurrection then say?

  • Would they sympathize with Harris supporters who defend an alternate reality by promoting the lie of election fraud and the innocence of their leader in promoting an insurrection?
  • Would they condone a worldview where tribal allegiance dictates decisions, and where character, Christlikeness, and biblical obedience are set aside?
  • Would they endorse utilitarian ethics where the ends justify the means, and where those “ends” are justified through motivated reasoning devoid of absolute moral boundaries?
  • Would they agree with those who justify such actions by demonizing Republicans for their moral decay, corruption, and injustice?

Wouldn’t the very people who ignored Trump’s subversive insurrection become the loudest voices calling for accountability if Harris did the same? Wouldn’t their backlash be fierce, demanding her immediate removal from office, prosecution, and public disgrace? Wouldn’t they brand her a traitor, unfit to lead, and label anyone defending her as complicit in betrayal?

If your response to Trump’s insurrection differs from how you’d react to Harris doing the same thing, then you must ask yourself: is your loyalty primarily to the party and the person? Are my values dependent upon my politics through a situational ethic devoid of absolute moral rules?  

As Christ’s Ambassadors, we are called to reverse the politics-first mindset that has become prevalent—even within much of the Christian community.  Partisanship has no place in the kingdom of heaven. Instead, we are, in the words of Tom Wright, to “colonize earth with the life of heaven” through followers who bear His name and likeness in our judgments, attitudes, and actions.

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